Friday, September 10, 2010

A Quick Little Project

Small Vase

I bought this beautiful little vase (about 8" tall) at a thrift store recently.  It was very nice just the way it was, but I wanted to add a little more dimension and color, as well as have it stand out from our cream colored walls (which I can't change right now because we're in a rental).  I painted on some brown craft paint mixed with Liquitex Gloss Medium to thin it out a bit, making sure to get in all the little crevices and grooves.  Then I wiped off the excess with a dry paper towel (in the future I will buy some rags to devote just to my projects).


Small Vase 2

I'm really happy with the way it turned out.


  1. I love quick little projects. It really looks like it's from antiquity now.

  2. Thanks! I need quick projects since I don't get much of a nap time out of my kids. :)

  3. Have you ever used this gloss on furniture? does it work like a glaze?

  4. I did use it on my son's lamp and library book rack (here - ). I did use it like a glaze and it seemed to work out pretty well, but I'm not sure about the durability it would have on larger pieces of furniture which gets lots of use, unless you put a clear coat over the top of it.


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